Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Put yourself out there!

I've been pretty busy the last three weeks working on my website (www.maoplanet.com). I launched it on Feb 9 and I have to say that I am blessed. More than 800 people have visited and slowly but surely I'm doing what I always wanted to do, share my music!

Today I read a tweet by @mattchevy where he wrote "No one got anywhere without putting themselves out there and making (more than) a few mistakes". He's so right! 

Overcoming the fear of showing others what we're capable of is ultimately the purpose of our existence. When we are able to let go that fear of being judged (or stop judging ourselves), is when things start happening for us. We are all connected and people will feel your energy. They will like what you do if you believe in yourself 150%. Let me tell you, there's no better reward than getting someone to tell you they like what you do! I'm feeling the love! 

Conclusion: Put yourself out there! Don't be afraid to get out of your confort zone. Quit your job if you need to. Move to another city. Meet new people. When we take a step forward, life shows you where to step next.

Now let's get going with my story! We left in the part where I came back to Canada from Miami after writing my future hit songs with Daniel, my producer, and the amazing Songwriters Cesar Franco and Dani Blau ( who sings with me the song we co-wrote: I want more). Daniel kept working on the demos while I spent the last days of the summer figuring out how to put on a concert in Montreal. I was dying to play live and I needed a band.

In 2009 I went to see a local artist at a bar. I loved the band and I was able to get in touch with the musical director @Porioux. He is a great musician and after meeting with him and sharing my demos he showed interest in working together. We scheduled the show for November and he was going to put together a band. He'd let me know when we had everyone on board.

The demos Daniel kept sending me got better and better. Those arrangements were so good that I couldn't think they could get any better. They did with each new version of the songs! 

At this point I was really motivated. I had the band to do my first concert in Montreal and the EP was a reality. 

I flew back to Miami in early November to record the final vocals for all the songs. That week was amazing!!! I didn't feel I was working, on the contrary I felt the joy of doing what I like the most. We worked for around 5 days in a row and we had everyting: lead vocals, back vocals and the collaboration with Dani Blau. Now we had to let Daniel work his magic. And he did! He got the best musicians in Florida to work with him (Lee levin in the drums for example, who has credits on albums from world superstars). 

Back in Montreal I started working closely with P.o (the musical director) to select the repertoire for the concert. We had a month to put on a great show!

It's time for me to get ready for an appointment so I'll stop here. I'll see you next week! feel free to comment below if you have any questions or if you want to just share something with all of us.

Happy St Valentin's!! Remember that there's nothing more important than love!

Cheers family.. see you soon!



  1. Replies
    1. Thank you Don for passing by ;) Let's put ourselves out there! Cheers from Montreal!


  2. You are always filled with great inspiration and action!You are going for it Mauricio and you will do it!!!

  3. "When we take a step forward, life shows you where to step next." Well put, Mao. And congrats on your website launch--more than 800 people is FABULOUS!

    1. Thank you Debra for your comment, and thank you for taking the time to read my story :)
